Saturday, December 15, 2007

in which the freezer reveals the historical record of a pregnancy

Exhibit A: Frozen peas (Birdseye), used as field icepack for sprained ankle after a Pregnancy Hormone Induced Tripping Incident in the Petco parking lot. Also valued for their nutritional properties and tastiness.

Exhibit B: Ice cream (coffee and mint chip). Used to tame nightly cravings, both by the pregnant one and the pregnant one's husband. Sometimes supplemented by shakes from Mickey D's.

Exhibit C: Frozen pizzas (assorted gourmet varieties). For those times when we just couldn't get off the couch. Those times came more often that we care to admit. Somewhere in Wolfgang Puck's sweatshop kitchens, a galley slave silently curses us for our loyal patronage.

Exhibit D: A package of garlic naan from Trader Joe's, purchased approximately one week before Finn's arrival. Kelly was in the throes of Braxton-Hicks contractions at the time and doesn't recall making the buy.

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