Tuesday, July 17, 2007

note to self

Two new water purifier filters are in the drawer by the sink.

Later, though, because of the lead poisoning, you will not remember this.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

so smart

The basement is a musty, cool, dog-free paradise, an oasis of comfort on hot summer days. So what does the cat do yesterday, the hottest day of the year? She gets up bright and early and sneaks upstairs, braving fangy, slobbery danger, so she can spend the day lounging in the 98 degree front bedroom.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

do you follow poppy?

We don't know much about Poppy other than that she's the second-tri model in the prenatal yoga video, but I for one am willing to follow her to the ends of the earth. She's a marvel of flexibility and strength. Straight spine, smooth movements, clear serene eyes untroubled by the ethical implications of having frozen pizza TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW. As if trapped in a kind of digital amber, Poppy will forever be just starting to show.

Poppy exhales, and we exhale with her. Inhale, sit straight, exhale. Bring your hands together at your heart.

We'll stick with Poppy until the beginning of the third trimester, when we'll drop her like a hot potato and follow Britta.