Tuesday, February 06, 2007


In the overnight settlement, I was awarded custody of the sheets. Sweet W has visitation rights.

Also noted for the record: When I do the dishes, I don't do them all the way. I stop at somewhere around 90% of completion. This is an acceptable percentage in our world----beautiful, even, in that leaving the task incomplete mirrors our imperfect humanity, like the intentional mistake, the marring thread designed into tapestries. Leaving the dishes slightly undone keeps us humble; a perfectly polished set of dishes and silverware would be sheer hubris, an affront to the divine. So I usually leave the silverware to soak in the sink overnight. The divine is okey-dokey with that plan, but Sweet W is NOT PLEASED to find a sink full of cold greasy water and dead suds in the morning.

I could say more, but I'll stop now and leave the remaining rhetorical knives and forks to soak overnight.

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